
Andrea Bařinková, DiS.
Company ID (IČO): 02974703
Address: Rochovská 757/1,
198 00 Prague 14 
Phone: +420 604 194 542

Notice: This complaints policy is a general translation.
In case of any disputes, 
the Czech text available at 
and the relevant laws of the Czech Republic will prevail.



This complaint policy outlines the rules and procedures for filing complaints regarding artworks and design products sold by "artist" Andrea Bařinková, DiS., under RBART, including lamps, decorative accessories, and sculptures. Our goal is to ensure your satisfaction and effectively resolve any issues that may arise with our products.

Conditions for Filing a Complaint

You can file a complaint if:

  • The product was damaged during shipping or handling not caused by you.
  • The product does not match the description or specifications provided in the order.
  • There are defects in material or workmanship not caused by normal wear and tear or improper handling.
  • The agreed delivery conditions, such as deadline or order specifications, were not met.
  • The complaint must be filed within 14 days of receiving the product.

Procedure for Filing a Complaint

You can file a complaint in the following ways:

  • By Email: Send an email to Include the purchase date, a description of the issue, attach photos of the defective product, and provide your contact details.
  • By Phone: Contact us at +420 604 194 542 to discuss the next steps.

Handling of Complaints

  • Processing Time: We will resolve the complaint within 30 days of receiving it.
  • Resolution Options: We may offer the following solutions:
    • Repair or replacement of the product with a new one, if possible.
    • Refund for the defective product.
    • Discount on a future purchase as compensation for the inconvenience.

Rights and Responsibilities

  • Customer Responsibilities: The customer is required to provide truthful information about the issue and cooperate in handling the complaint.
  • Customer Rights: The customer has the right to a fair resolution of the complaint. If we cannot resolve the complaint to your satisfaction, you may negotiate further compensation or replacement with us.

Exceptions and Limitations

  • Claims: Complaints will not be accepted if the product has been handled contrary to the maintenance and usage instructions or if the product has been modified by a third party.
  • Limitations: Complaints do not apply to minor variations in color, texture, or size, which are natural for handmade products and are considered part of the artistic craftsmanship.

Final Provisions

  • Changes: We reserve the right to amend this complaint policy. Any changes will be communicated through our website.
  • Contact: For inquiries regarding this complaint policy, you can contact us by email at or by phone at +420 604 194 542.

These terms are effective as of August 25, 2024.